Order Form

Please complete and then print this form and send to: Jonetta Williams, Animal-Portraits, 16 Staats RD, Bloomsbury, NJ 08804. If you are ordering a portrait, please enclose (or email) good quality pictures of the animals/figures to be included in the portrait. Also enclose a deposit of 25% of the price for a portrait and full price for a painting from the Gallery (call about shipping costs: 908-479-6501).

For a Portrait
Size:  11 X 14  14 X 18  16 X 20  18 X 24
Media:   Watercolor     Oil
Number of animals/figures:    Price* (from price list): 
From the Gallery
Title of Painting: 
Price* (as listed in Gallery pages): 
  *Shipping Charges Based on Weight and Destination
Delivery Information:

Address 1:
Address 2:
State:   Zip Code:  

Voice Phone:

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